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Old 11-28-2008, 02:57 AM   #1
Registered: Sep 2005
Posts: 201

Rep: Reputation: 19
Is it possible to chroot another distro under Ubuntu

I am not that familiar with chroot, except that I have chroot 32bit Hardy under my 64bit system. Now I started to wonder if there is a chance of
running for example Centos under chroot environment? I have namely a 32bit Hardy running in the office and we are using some commercial software that is mostly only RHEL4 compatible. In most cases it does run
under Ubuntu too but sometimes not. So I am wondering if I had a chance of running RHEL4 compatible system such as Centos under chroot.

I do not wish to switch Centos as such since I generally like Ubuntu more and I also do not wish to make a dual boot or so...
Old 11-28-2008, 03:46 AM   #2
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Of course, 'chroot' simply changes the root of the virtual filesystem. As long as the programs and libraries are compatible with the kernel which is running, you can chroot to whatever you want. You may just have to think a little about how services which are already running may be affected and how authentication may be affected.
Old 11-30-2008, 09:58 AM   #3
Valery Reznic
ELF Statifier author
Registered: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by Jykke View Post
I am not that familiar with chroot, except that I have chroot 32bit Hardy under my 64bit system. Now I started to wonder if there is a chance of
running for example Centos under chroot environment? I have namely a 32bit Hardy running in the office and we are using some commercial software that is mostly only RHEL4 compatible. In most cases it does run
under Ubuntu too but sometimes not. So I am wondering if I had a chance of running RHEL4 compatible system such as Centos under chroot.

I do not wish to switch Centos as such since I generally like Ubuntu more and I also do not wish to make a dual boot or so...
You can try different approach: on the CentOS pack applications you are interesting in using Ermine ( or statifier (
You'll get single executable with all shared libraries (and other files if needed) packed in. Then you copy those applications to Ubuntu and use them without any chroot.
Old 12-02-2008, 02:40 PM   #4
Registered: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by Valery Reznic View Post
You can try different approach: on the CentOS pack applications you are interesting in using Ermine ( or statifier (
You'll get single executable with all shared libraries (and other files if needed) packed in. Then you copy those applications to Ubuntu and use them without any chroot.
Thanks for the tip, never heard of this before. Unfortunately Ermine seems to be commercial (I wonder if the created executables also run after trial period). Anyway statifier might do.

I am, however, wondering whether also graphical applications with completely different drivers and from different hardware and stuff work. It also seems that I'd also need the Centos installation to create this executable that I can later use under Ubuntu...
Old 12-02-2008, 03:58 PM   #5
Valery Reznic
ELF Statifier author
Registered: Oct 2007
Posts: 676

Rep: Reputation: 137Reputation: 137
Originally Posted by Jykke View Post
Thanks for the tip, never heard of this before. Unfortunately Ermine seems to be commercial (I wonder if the created executables also run after trial period). Anyway statifier might do.

I am, however, wondering whether also graphical applications with completely different drivers and from different hardware and stuff work. It also seems that I'd also need the Centos installation to create this executable that I can later use under Ubuntu...
Yes, Ermine is commercial. Statifier may or may not work. Statifier doen't like system with memory randomization (or other way around - system with memory randomization doesn't like statifier), while ermine is able to handle it.

Al long as I remember both CentOS and Ubuntu have memory randomization.

Another statifier's limitation - it able pack ONLY main executable and shared libraries, nothing else. On first glance it's enough, but unfortunately more complex applications (for example gnome/qt based) read from the configuration file list of shared libraries to be loaded. And these config files (and list of shared libraries can be very different on different distributions, or even on different version of the same distribution. For such application statifier unable to pack all needed libraries result be mix between libraries version and (in best case quick segfault. ErminePro can handle such setup too.

And yes either ermine or statifier you'll need CentOS installation


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