I have Loki's Heavy Gear II game. I installed and ran it fine on Redhat 9, but when I installed it on Slackware 10, strange things ensued....
Anyways, I installed it using the same options I had used for Redhat 9....however, when I tried to run it from the terminal (To see if an exception or anything was thrown), I got this:
root@slackware:/usr/local/games/hg2# hg2
dirname: too few arguments
Try `dirname --help' for more information.
Couldn't run Heavy Gear 2 (hg2stub). Is HEAVY_GEAR_2_HOME set?
I googled this error with one result.....but no answers. I installed the game as root, if that means anything.
Anyways, why does this game work on Redhat 9 but not Slackware 10?