i went searching for a block list program like peerguardian but that's for windows
and i tried to set up moblock but that's not for fedora it seems.. so i installed ipblock.
looks just like peerguardian for the most part.
after fiddleing around and testing it out. i've found it's not as great as peerguardian was... i can't add peers to a temp safe-list at all, but oh well i found out how to manually add them... just never really got around to making any manually made allow list yet
so here's my problem:
i have been trying to send a file to a friend, and i notice that ipblock is blocking my friends address.
now the silly thing is that i don't use any web based block lists, i make my own. so it came to a surprise to me that my friends ip was on there.. so i spend an hour looking through my lists, and finding out that my friend's ip isn't even in them ( i figured it wasn't, but it confused me none-the-less)
so i decided to test things, i went and deleted the cache .gz files it came with in my /var/cache/iplists just to be sure it's not using those.
removed all the lists i added myself that i even made myself. ( i didn't use the .gz web files i got too... as in i didn't add them to the list of stuff to use)
so i made this test list with 1 address in it.
i put it in the list for what to use, restart ipblock and.. so far so good.. it says it's blocking 1 range of addresses..
however 5 mins into watching the log. 1000's of random addresses have been blocked still and so on.. including my friends i.p. address
soooo okay.. what's going on here.. there's some hidden thing going on or some bug or what, this program is looking more and more unreliable as time goes on.