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Old 08-26-2003, 02:00 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 393

Rep: Reputation: 30
Installing X in Gentoo

Hi well Gentoo is installed and running smoothly - and I finally decided to install X. However, when I installed it, it said "This version of Xfree is not compatible with the (I can't quite recall the numbering but I do know they were the most recent ati propriatory drivers). If you are using them you must unmerge them (emerge unmerge ati-drivers) and emerge xfree-drm."

Or at least that's what I think it said, as straight afterwards I ran startx and GLX gears and then I lost the message. When I tried to emerge xfree-dri I got an error message saying "Error X11-base/xfree-drm-4.3.0r6 failed, Function src-unpack, line93 exit code 0. Please set at least one video card in VIDEO_CARDS. Use is depreciated. Possible Video_Cards options are matrox, 3DFX, rage128, radeon, sis etc...)." What is xfree-drm (or whatever the correct name is for it) and will this mean that the propriatory ati-drivers will work on my Radeon 9500 Pro graphics card? When I run GLX gears I get a message about 'extension xfree-dri missing on display 0.0'. What does this mean? Any advice anyone can offer will be very welcome.

Thanks in advance,



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