Originally posted by Tinkster
Maybe you should familiarise yourself a bit
with slackware rather than using clicky-pointy
thing-a-majicks ...
I was using the command line as well as Konqueror. I may not have learned much about linux and even less about slack, but I have learned that there is no substitute for the command line. From this experience I've also learned that no matter how much the program splashes the screen with "make sure you read the README and man files", that can be a load of crap.
So, now I've installpkg'd the wine.yadayada.tgz that I'd downloaded to /tmp. When I run pkgtool it shows that wine is one of the packages installed. When I try to run wine at the command line, I'm told by wine that /root/.wine doesn't exist. According to README there should be a config file, but
find only unearths the sample config files. Is wine looking for a config file in /root because I ran installpkg as root? Do I need to edit the sample config file and save it as wine.config somewhere?
Thanks again for any help.