Welcome to LQ.
Start fom scratch in /home/<name>/ , and do ..
$ git clone
* You will have to do that, to check if you can access "github.com/paultsr".
* If you can't, you are probably behind some firewall setup (proxy?),
... and will have to change those setting to use git.
* Or you can ask for a package "mannasim-ns235.tar.bz2", that I can upload
to 'Google Drive'. That's the compressed "paultsr/ns-2.35" files.
Ref. your nabble thread
* You cannot do a user command ( $ ) in /usr/local/,
only root has write permissions outside /home/<name>/.
* I.e. the suggested download location must be /home/name/.
* If you insist on /usr/local/, you can easily copy or move
the folder to /usr/local/.