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Old 05-08-2014, 04:29 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2014
Posts: 20

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Question Installing LIBFII for GLIB- Configures, Makes, but dpkg tells me otherwise

Ok so I got LibFII to work, but I'm still having trouble with other packages- trying to get Pango and I'm met with the following error on ./configure:

checking for CoreText availability... no
checking for CAIRO... yes
checking which cairo font backends could be used... none
configure: Disabling cairo support
configure: error: *** Could not enable any backends.
*** Must have at least one backend to build Pango.
I have libcairo2 and libharfbuzz0- when I tried to sudo-apt get install both of them, it said they were up to date, so I have no idea what else it could mean by back-end???

Also, when I try to install gdk pixbuf, it says that I need a version of GLib which is higher than 2.36, but the version I compiled and make'd was version 2.4...

Requested 'glib-2.0 >= 2.37.6' but version of GLib is 2.36.0

So, I need Libfii for Glib which I need for GTK which I need for wxWidgets-

I configured libfii and make'd it, and no errors were found, but when I tried to configure GLIb, it told me libfii was missing and when I did

dpkg - s libfii
I got this:

dpkg-query: package 'libffi' is not installed and no information is available

The first line from the terminal is this:

MAKE x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu : 0 * all-all
So is it the fact that I'm running a 64 bit system which might be causing issues??

Last edited by Skorpius7; 05-08-2014 at 09:18 PM.
Old 05-10-2014, 02:08 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Dec 2008
Location: Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, UK
Distribution: Debian Testing Amd64
Posts: 5,465

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
If you are compiling things yourself (which seems to be the case) then you need the "dev" versions of the required packages. Do you have those packages installed? For example have you installed libffi-dev?


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