← #31 .
The old "year 1999 text" about "adding *PATHīs to .bashrc"
was meant for a "University Computer" where you had no
write permissions to /usr/.
When it's your computer, you can do :
$ cd ns-allinone-2.35/ns-2.35/ && sudo make install
('make install' will copy the executable 'ns' to /usr/local/bin/.)
Or you can do $ sudo cp ns-protocol-name /usr/local/bin/.
* Which you will have to do when using multiple ns2 versions →
You can only have one executable by name 'ns'.
The executable 'ns-<any-name>' is hard coded to know the location
of itīs libraries : ns-allinone-2.34/{ lib/*, bin/* }
I.e. adding a *PATH text to .bashrc makes no sense at all.
Xgraph : $ sudo apt-get install xgraph
Nam : If nam works →
$ cd ns-allinone-2.35/nam-*/ && sudo make install
.. Or use a valid nam package, post #2 here :
About the ns2 instructions you can find on the Internet :
The most are written by young students using Linux and ns2 for the first time.
Mostly just a copy of the texts written by other young students.
And : Don't believe everything you can read on the Internet.