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Old 03-23-2006, 02:28 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2006
Posts: 6

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installation of Fedora Core 5

Please assist...
I have download FC5 and was able to convert the ISO but when I burn into and try to install from the CD, it does not boot at all. I want to install into a DELL Poweredge 1600SC.Can you kindly assist...
Old 03-23-2006, 02:31 PM   #2
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we can't really help you an awful lot any iso image burnt correclty to a cd will boot if the system it is on is set to do so... this covers things like bios configuration etc... +a common mistake is that an iso is simply copied to the CD, and not burnt as an image. if you look at the cd in windows, you should actually see files, directores etc... is *is* a totally normal cdr then, and should look like one.
Old 03-23-2006, 05:45 PM   #3
Registered: Feb 2005
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You said you converted it.. From what to what? Did you convert it from an ISO imamge to something else?

Old 03-24-2006, 09:07 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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initially when I downloaded the file, I could not see the installation files. But when I used a convertor, i saw all the files of the ISO image. Now, I have burned the CD, it won't booth from it. I just want to do a fresh installation on the DELL PowerEdge 1600SC system...I am interested in doing this so I would have a system to practice PERL as well as Linux administration.
Old 03-24-2006, 09:13 AM   #5
Registered: Feb 2005
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I don't think you should convert it, just burn the ISO image to a cd using this program.. Or you could use the win32 version of cdrecord, as that's what you'll possibly be using in linux XD

The ISO is a raw cd image, from start to finish. If you convert it, you'll get all the files off it, but lose the boot code.

Old 03-28-2006, 09:55 AM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Thanks for the advice...It worked.
Old 03-29-2006, 05:20 PM   #7
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Texas
Distribution: Fedora 16
Posts: 323

Rep: Reputation: 37
Fc5 Cd #1

I downloaded the iso image of the first CD and the boot image boot.iso

Using Roxio under XP Prof I burned the main image for CD1 and gave Roxio

the boot.iso to make the CD bootable.

I tried this process 5-6 time but the CD wouldn't boot.

I am trying cdrecord as suggested on the FC site.

Now my problem is due to the fact that I have scsi HDs and cdrecord wants

some hierglyphics for scsi (even though the CDs are not connected by scsi

but by IDE)

cdrecord --device=/media/cdrecorder1 -tao -eject FC-5-i386-disc1.iso
cdrecord: Bad Option: --device=/media/cdrecorder1.
Usage: cdrecord [options] track1...trackn

Use cdrecord -help
to get a list of valid options.

Use cdrecord blank=help
to get a list of valid blanking options.

Use cdrecord dev=b,t,l driveropts=help -checkdrive
to get a list of drive specific options.

Use cdrecord dev=help
to get a list of possible SCSI transport specifiers.
landon (root) ~/FC5 [742]>cdrecord dev=help
Cdrecord-Clone 2.01-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jörg Schilling
Note: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD support
Note: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the original.
Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to
Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version.
Supported SCSI transports for this platform:

Transport name: sg
Transport descr.: Generic transport independent SCSI
Transp. layer ind.:
Target specifier: bus,target,lun
Target example: 1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning: supported
Open via UNIX device: not supported

Transport name: pg
Transport descr.: SCSI transport for ATAPI over Parallel Port
Transp. layer ind.:
Target specifier: bus,target,lun
Target example: 1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning: supported
Open via UNIX device: not supported

Transport name: ATA
Transport descr.: ATA Packet specific SCSI transport
Transp. layer ind.: ATAPI:
Target specifier: bus,target,lun
Target example: ATAPI:1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning: supported
Open via UNIX device: not supported

Transport name: ATA
Transport descr.: ATA Packet specific SCSI transport using sg interface
Transp. layer ind.: ATA:
Target specifier: bus,target,lun
Target example: 1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning: supported
Open via UNIX device: not supported

Transport name: RSCSI
Transport descr.: Remote SCSI
Transp. layer ind.: REMOTE:
Target specifier: rscsi@host:bus,target,lun
Target example: REMOTE:rscsi@host:1,2,0
SCSI Bus scanning: supported
Open via UNIX device: not supported
Old 03-30-2006, 12:39 PM   #8
Registered: Feb 2005
Distribution: Ubuntu, Debian
Posts: 56

Rep: Reputation: 15

Do this (assuming /dev/hdc is your cdrecorder):

cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc FC-5-i386-disc1.iso
That should work.

Old 03-30-2006, 12:59 PM   #9
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Texas
Distribution: Fedora 16
Posts: 323

Rep: Reputation: 37
SCSI cdrecord

Thanks but another post had the scsi cdrecord hierglyphics.

cdrecord dev=ATA:1,0,0 padsize=63s -pad -dao -v -eject FC-5-i386-disc2.iso


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