OK. Pardon me for the Idiotic reply above. This is a big undertaking.
Now let me see if i have a few things strait.
1) You are wanting this TinyOS to reside on the Linux Partition.
2) You are attempting to install from converted rpms --> deb.
3) Your knoppix is from a LiveCD and not installed.
With that clarified lets look at the details.
First. The dpkg error. You probably aren't root for this. Try "sudo su" at a command prompt, then "kpackage" (i believe that is what you should use for the dpkg install) and reattempt.
My guess is that this will fail

due to the live disk being read only.
What to do is try and extract each one. Get all the DEB in one place/folder and then begin to extract each package.
has the commands more but try "dpkg --extract XXX-1.2-3.deb dirXXX" as the syntax. Each one will have files in them. Try and copy the files where they go ( dirXXX has the folder usr/lib then this goes to /usr/lib). If this doens't work i dont know.
look at http:/ /www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mainland/tinyos/
for debian instructions.
You might also have to install knoppix to the harddrive for this to stick. At this point i am stuck also. try the above link