This is my first time trying to install Red Hat Linux OS. I need help with the following problem:
After restarting my PC with a boot disk in floopy Drive (boot.img was extract to a floopy diskette using "rawrite2.exe"), it asked for a Red Hat CD-ROM (which I've already inserted in CD-ROM drive).
I then followed the on-screen instructions to where the error message kept displaying "Red Hat Linux CD could not be found in CD-ROM drive".
My CD # 1 (with Red Hat Linux on it) contains files with the following structure:
|----> RedHat
| |----> RPMS -- binary packages
| `----> base -- information on this release of Red Hat
|----> images -- boot and ramdisk images
|----> dosutils -- installation utilities for DOS
|----> README -- this file
|----> RELEASE-NOTES -- latest info about Red Hat
`----> RPM-GPG-KEY -- GPG signature for packages from Red Hat
I don't undestand what this mean "/mnt/cdrom" as specified in the README file downloaded with Red Hat Linux OS from
Please advise me how to boot to access Red Hat Linux CD-ROM successfully.
Thank you a million times in advance.