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Old 08-12-2003, 07:13 AM   #1
Registered: May 2003
Location: Washington State
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 145

Rep: Reputation: 15
Install question

Uninstalling the awesome Gaim IM/ICQ client and installing version 0.66 because yahoo IM is broke. Or I should say yahoo changed something that broke some code.. changed the protocol,,,,something.

On sourceforge it says that I need glib2.0 before I'm able to intall the new Gaim IM/ICQ client.

When I do a search on the HD I find I have a glib2.0 but actually what this is is a glib2.0 folder with po subfolder with a thats about 7K big.

I highly doubt that this is the glib-2.0 that the Gaim client is looking for but they have the same names. When I goto the GTK website there isn't a glib2.0 app. There's glib2.2.0, glib2.2.1, and glib2.2.0... and there all close to 2megs big.

"glib2.0" folder with a "gettext" folder with a "po" folder with a 7k

Whats going on.

the path for this one on my local machine is:
Old 08-15-2003, 09:51 PM   #2
Registered: May 2003
Location: Washington State
Distribution: Gentoo
Posts: 145

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
Finally, after 2 wks of bs and confusion/frustration...

I don't really know what happened here. But I've got this working now.

This is all that I did.
I went to and downloaded gaim-0.67 tar.gz to my home directory.
Logged into the command line as root into the /hom/<usre> directory

tar -zxvf <gaim file.tar.gz>
Cd'ed into the gaim-0.67 directory.
Then ./configure (which actually ran without errors this time) then "make" (which took acoulple of minutes, but ran with out errors), then "make install".
To start gaim I had to goto /usr/local/bin/ and then once there typed ./gaim

The client started up and and all I had to do was put in the protocol that I was using (yahoo) my logon email name and password and away I went. Works flawlessly..

RPM's SUCK....peepee
And I don't know what the difference was between the gaim 0.66.tar.gz and gaim 0.67.tar.gz, but obviously there was something wrong.

I didn't need any GTK or GLIB...all of this was already installed.

I'm definitely switching to Gentoo Linux after I get a little familar with linux in general. This will have you compile everything from the source starting from the Kernel to what apps you want to install. Then I can allways be sure that (if the source code isn't screwed) that when I intall from source that it's platform independent and seems to put/make files/directories in a uniform standard. It seems that rpms deviate from this compared to installing from the source..

Hope this helps.


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