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Old 06-26-2015, 02:23 AM   #1
byran cheung
Registered: Sep 2013
Posts: 321

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
import data

I just want to import the ldif file to openldap server by the command ldapadd

username : Mary
department : edp
phone :
location : US

when I load the file to openldap , it pops the value of phone is blank , it is rejected to import , I tried to add some words in phone field , it is fine to import , I also tried add "space" in phone field , it doesn't work.

would advise if I want to import it but still leave the phone field blank , what can I do ? is it ok to add any special character is it ?

Old 06-26-2015, 02:58 PM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Birmingham, Alabama
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Originally Posted by byran cheung View Post
I just want to import the ldif file to openldap server by the command ldapadd

username : Mary
department : edp
phone :
location : US

when I load the file to openldap , it pops the value of phone is blank , it is rejected to import , I tried to add some words in phone field , it is fine to import , I also tried add "space" in phone field , it doesn't work. would advise if I want to import it but still leave the phone field blank , what can I do ? is it ok to add any special character is it ?
Since you've been working with LDAP for two years now, it's surprising you don't know how to handle such things.

And AGAIN, as you've been asked many, MANY times, PROVIDE DETAILS WHEN ASKING A QUESTION. You say NOTHING about how you're trying to add the records, provide a valid sample of the LDIF file, tell us anything about the openLDAP server (version?), or the version/distro of Linux you're using. The ldapadd command has many options...which are you using/trying?? Have you tried ldapmodify?? And you say when you put SOMETHING in the phone field, it what's the question??? You obviously know you need to put some text in that field, so either do so, or don't import that record while it's incomplete.

You say that if you put white-space character, it doesn't work...then ask if you can put "special character" in it. Obviously not, since it isn't valid, as YOU proved when you tried it.


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