i have done all these following steps sucsessfuly and in the logon scree i found Xpde option when i try to logon with this session it give me error the error is
" your session only lasted less then 10 second if you have not logged out your self, this could meen that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of disk space. Try loggoing in with of the failsafe session to see if you can fix this problem
/home/mobassir/.xsession error could not be open"
To get XPde, go to:
you download the tar.gz distribution:
$ cd /path/to/xpde.archive.tar.gz
$ tar xvzf xpde-X.X.X-XXXXXXXX.tar.gz
$ cd xpde-X.X.X
And now, you need to become root to perform the first installation part:
$ su
And then, you need to execute the install script:
# ./install.sh
This script creates a directory called /opt/xpde, if you want to erase XPde from your system, you simply need to delete this directory.
Setting up the default environment
[This step will be removed in a near future]
To setup the default environment for each user, you need to execute another script, but this time, as the user is going to use XPde. So you can use Ctrl+D or the exit command to return to the previous user, or issue a su command, for example:
# su korben
Where korben is the user you want to allow use XPde.
Now, change the directory again to xpde-X.X.X and perform this command:
$ ./setup.sh
This script creates an .xpde subdirectory on your home directory which holds your account information.
Setting up the display manager
[This part will be automated soon]
To allow you to choose XPde from your display manager, you need to perform some additional steps, which depend on your distro and the display manager you are using, in RedHat 9.0, by default, you use GDM.
Become root using the su command
$ su
And change the current dir to the XPde bin directory:
# cd /opt/xpde/bin
Now copy the file xinitrcDEFAULT from the source directory:
# cp /home/korben/xpde-X.X.X/xinitrcDEFAULT .
And now, rename it and make it executable:
# mv xinitrcDEFAULT xpde
# chmod +x xpde
And make a soft link to this file on your /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /opt/xpde/bin/xpde /usr/local/bin/XPde
And to setup the session for the display manager, you need to create a file on the gdm sessions dir, you can use your favourite editor, or use vi, which is included on every distro:
# vi /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/XPde
Press i to start typing and type this:
And press :wq and Enter to write the file and exit the editor. Now you need to make this file executable using:
# chmod +x /etc/X11/gdm/Sessions/XPde
Running XPde
Logout from your session and when the display manager is loaded, select Session from the bottom of the screen, you should see an XPde entry, select it and log in as the user you configured in the previous step.
You should see XPde running, if not, check all the previous steps.