if-so install from sources announcement
www .geocities.com/asprayama/if-so/if-so.html
What is if-so ?
if-so is abbreviation of words 'install from - sources'.
Some people who use redhat/fedora based systems wants to install software from sources, compile with desired cpu opts, and don't have troubles with package management.
rpm and apt give You exellent and pleasure possibility to manage _binary_ packages.
But some things apt doesn't do: it can't recursive fetch sources, build and install compiled rpms.
On debian based machines there is apt-build package, but if You work with redhat like system, it will not help You.
So, this is an utility I wrote in a free time that can do all that staff.
Of cource it open-source and licensed under GPL. You can change sources for Your needs.
How it works
First if-so asks apt about desired package runtime deps, then download build deps for that runtime dependencies, then download all dependency sources, compile and install them. After that if-so downloads desired package source, and build deps, compiles and install it.
Then if-so removes just used build dependencies.
if-so written completely with freepascal, so it doesn't have any dependency except rpm and apt.
How to use
if-so <packagename> <architecture>
<architecture> value may be athlon, i386, i486, i586, i686.
If this value don't entered, if-so by default will compile package for i386.
if-so --help
if-so will print help screen
if-so mpg321 i686
if-so mpg321