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Old 02-08-2006, 09:32 PM   #16
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The above list might look very long, but it really isn't;
What else remains?

No, seriously. Maybe everything can be done, given you have enough time and stamina. You can dig thru thousands of undocumented registry entries, some with obfuscated names or keys. You can replace dll's which you think they might be damaged, but you don't have the foggiest idea what they are doing. You can hunt for why drivers won't install, uninstall, load or crash. Logging capabilities are almost non-existent. (On my Windows servers I alway had an event log, which showed messages like "The driver failed to load due to error nr. ." or "The program has terminated due to an unknown error")

Maybe it can be done, but why should you do it if reinstalling is 10 times faster. (I have to admit that installation usually IS fast, and certainly faster than installing Debian from -well- scratch)

Then another question. We all know the comparisons made by "independent" institutes which show that the TCO of maintaining a Windows Server network is cheaper because tasks can done easier. Does it still hold when you don't have or don't want to re-install?

Old 02-08-2006, 09:42 PM   #17
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Installing WINDOWS is faster, sure.
But installing patches which take hours to download, installing all the applications, utilities, patches, etc., restoring your data, tweaking the desktop/environment settings and so forth, good luck. It will take you longer to do that than to fix most Windows issues.

Now, toss in activation, and now you have another great reason to fix the problem rather than go the lazy route (which is actually more work and takes longer than actually FIXING the darn problem to begin with)
Old 02-08-2006, 11:29 PM   #18
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correct kimvette
that's what i am telling since years...

and of course IT IS nonsense, if you format and reinstall the whole system instead of putting a boot cd in and fix the kernel and some libraries WITHIN an hour. tweaking takes even days, think about email accounts, installing additional programs and so on, also not to forget backup your data before!!!

please guys, don't argue like now and especially don't begin a new discussion about windoofs and linux in general. the question of the newbie was clear and we could most probably help WITHOUT a reinstall! So please, use windoofs if you like to format and reinstall all the tim and use linux if you know about it, that's all.
Old 02-09-2006, 12:45 AM   #19
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...the question of the newbie was clear and we could most probably help WITHOUT a reinstall!
And since he never returned, we don't know what his solution was. I say he re-installed.
Old 02-09-2006, 02:48 PM   #20
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Maybe yes or maybe no...
Old 03-15-2006, 07:27 PM   #21
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Suse allows you to boot from a CD and do a system repair which is a damn good tool!


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