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Old 07-20-2009, 01:06 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2009
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I've downloaded and installed a program, now how do you run it???

First off, I would like to say I am new to Linux. I attempting to download/install my first program and I picked Clam.I've attempted to install Clam antivirus using GNU. After a few yum install of other programs to make a successful configure/make/install of Clam, I find myself lost. Where the hell is the Clam program that I spent a good half hour installing??? I get a successful install but yet I do not know where the program is located, nor do I have any indication that this Clam program is running. I am fustrated with myself and I greatly appreciate any help you have to offer. Thank you.

P.S.-Fedora 11 KDE

Last edited by DJockey; 07-20-2009 at 01:08 AM.
Old 07-20-2009, 01:54 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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If you downloaded via a package manager (yum for Fedora I think) then the executable will be in /usr/bin. I believe it's called clamscan or something like that. Try typing clamscan on a command line and see what happens.
Old 07-20-2009, 01:59 AM   #3
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Try running:

$ su
<enter root password>
# updatedb
# locate clam

That will spit out every file with "clam" in it and may help you track down your missing clamav.
Old 07-20-2009, 02:05 AM   #4
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When you install a program from source it's safe to keep a copy of the output from the make install step, so that you will know of every piece of software installed on your system (useful when you don't have the uninstall target in the Makefile and you have to uninstall by hand). I usually do this:
make install 2>&1 | tee install.log
This let me see the output in the terminal and save it to install.log at the same time. Regarding your question, another method to see where is the program, is to re-launch make install and look at the output (unless you did a make clean, after the installation).
Old 07-20-2009, 10:13 AM   #5
LQ Newbie
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Getting closer

I did the command clamscan and noticed it scanned my computer for viruses so I figure it's installed correctly. But I would like the GUI interface of the antivirus (if there is one); the real time protection application running (again, if there is one). So I try the second suggestion of locating the Clamav. When I type the locate command I get a very long list of everything with Clam in it. Then I move on to the last option make install 2>&1 | tee install.log and read an even more longer list. I have about 50 different directories with 500 different files which makes it more confusing. I guess my question is (speaking in Windows term) where is the .exe file for the Clamav? I greatly appreciate the quick response and your help.
Old 07-20-2009, 10:45 AM   #6
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You can easily look for executables using
grep /bin/ install.log
since they will be in a directory called bin. Anyway, I don't think you get a GUI frontend installing clamav from source, but there is a gtk2-perl GUI called ClamTK. Here are the links:
Old 07-20-2009, 10:59 AM   #7
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by DJockey View Post
I did the command clamscan and noticed it scanned my computer for viruses so I figure it's installed correctly. But I would like the GUI interface of the antivirus (if there is one); the real time protection application running (again, if there is one). So I try the second suggestion of locating the Clamav. When I type the locate command I get a very long list of everything with Clam in it. Then I move on to the last option make install 2>&1 | tee install.log and read an even more longer list. I have about 50 different directories with 500 different files which makes it more confusing. I guess my question is (speaking in Windows term) where is the .exe file for the Clamav? I greatly appreciate the quick response and your help.
I think I already answered that. The executable is going to be in /usr/bin and, as you saw, it's called clamscan. /usr/bin is in your (default) path so you can invoke it just by typing clamscan as you did. There is at least one gui for it which may or may not be called clamtk. If you use the search function on your package manager and look for packages with "clam" in them, you should find it easilty enough. If you install it using the package manager your executable(s) will be put in /usr/bin I hope that's clear enough.

You will probably have to install a package like freshclam in order to keep the virus database up to date.

Last edited by jdkaye; 07-20-2009 at 11:00 AM.
Old 07-20-2009, 11:53 AM   #8
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Since you are new to linux, I think it's appropriate to inquire as to why you feel the need to run an antivirus application in the first place. Typically, experienced linux users only use an antivirus appliction on linux file servers and email servers that serve data to windows users. The only reason for using antivirus applications in these types of settings is to protect windows users.

If you are just running a linux desktop , you really don't need antivirus. You are more likely to win the lottery than get a virus while running linux. OK, that's probably an exaggeration. I know it's hard to get used to this idea coming from windows, but compared to windows, linux is pretty much immune to viruses. Most security problems in linux are not virus based. Rather, they tend to be problems with rootkits, or exploitation of vulnerabilities in network daemons like ssh or www servers through various worms.

Just to head off another inquiry that windows users new to linux ask about, you also don't need to defrag your hard drive in linux. By design, linux filesystems are much more resistant to fragmentation compared to FAT or NTFS.
Old 07-20-2009, 07:06 PM   #9
LQ Newbie
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Yeah I think that pretty much clears it up for me. Thanks for your patience, really appreciated the help.


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