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Old 04-24-2004, 09:31 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: China
Distribution: Fedora One
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i'd like to know sth about "apt"

hi! i'm a beginner of linux, and now i'm using Fedora 1.

i'm trying to use "apt-get" to update my current system, but i still have sth confusing about the update via "apt-get".

the first time, i used the apt package from, and also i used the sources.list provided by, i import the RPM-GPG-KEY.

and i updated new packages sucessfully except the "kernel" one, and i did some research, some articles say that the "apt-get dist-upgrade" won't update the "kernel" and user has to download those kernel packages to the machine, then use "apt-get install kernel***.rpm" manually.

However, afterwards, i installed the "apt" package from www-fedora-us" and it worked very well! it provides a few more repository mirrors, and my "kernel" is updated to 2.4.22-1.2188.nptl which is the newest kernel rpm release on those mirrors without any problems.

is there anyone can tell me what's could possibly cause that difference?

and in additional, i've imported more than one RPM-GPG-KEY, would those GPG-KEYS be messed up, then the "apt" would get confused?? or that's just fine, importing mixing GPG-KEYS from different mirrors doesn't really matter?

If i used more than one repositiory, would it causes package conflicts? or i must be stick to one available repository, and only install the packages from it rather than ones from other repositiories?

Thank you guys!!
Old 04-24-2004, 11:41 PM   #2
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The kernel isn't really any big deal... It's just a package like any other. You can install new ones with apt. If it doesn't install with an "apt-get update", then you can do it with "apt-get install kernel", which will list which are available, then an "apt-get install kernel#version-numbers" to specify which one you want.

Having more than one key is fine. You might actually need to, depending on the repositories (repos) you use. Most supply the same packages which have the same key. But, if somebody supplies packages they made, they might sign it with their own key, and you would need to import that one to check the packages before they were installed.

As long as you use repos that are copies of eachother, you prob'ly won't have any trouble. I have three in my list that all supply the same packages, and apt downloads from the first one it can connect to. If you have repos that supply different versions of the same packages, or different packages, than you might run into some trouble.
Old 04-25-2004, 03:02 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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sweet! thank you for your plain explainations!

now i do run into troubles now, after i used "apt" to install libXft package, and i installed another libXft downloaded from someplace else, and after i installed, i deleted those .. that generated by the latter one, and i'm trying use rpm -e libxft to delete that, but there's no responding in terminal.

I turned on a new terminal, trying to run rpm again, there's nothing happens either.

i guess that because i deleted those files.
how could i fix it then i can delete that libXft sucessfully?

i tried to reinstall that package, but it always tells me libXft is currently installed!
Old 04-25-2004, 08:40 AM   #4
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Location: N'rn WI -- USA
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Rep: Reputation: 47
Try "rpm -ivh --force packagename".


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