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Old 05-04-2006, 12:04 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 19

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Question HylaFax help!!!!!

Hey real new to linux got to know it alot when installing hylafax in a server client invoroment it was good fun seemed to work find ie can send faxes receive them edit permissions etc only thing that is that doesnt work is message conformation it just doesnt want to work i the only error message i get is in the notify file and it says script setup.cache is missing and its not i can locate it in the spooling area of hylafax i use winprint as my client and input my email address for notification but the email just never arrives i have no idea with this one as im pretty new to the hole linux think if this work im very happy with linux so far all the things are set like faxmaster=always and stuff so i have no idea whats going on i would love some help on this one guys
Old 05-05-2006, 07:03 AM   #2
Registered: May 2005
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Now Ubuntu 16.04
Posts: 154

Rep: Reputation: 15
Sounds like you are probably smarter about Hylafax than I am but... just thought I would try to help.
When I did not have the faxmaster set up how I wanted it, I would see emails from Hylafax in /var/spool/mail. They were just in a file called "fax". Maybe your mails are going there.

Also, check in etc/aliases. Don't know your distro, but suse uses the list in there to decide where emails go, i.e. system emails. I think I had to add who the faxmaster is in that file.

Also, maybe unrelated, I have in /etc/hosts this note:

# hylafax seemed to suggest to put this in. 10 June 05
# because sendfax was saying: "Can not reach server at host "localhost", port 4559" localhost loopback

Anyway, maybe not very helpful, but good luck.
Old 05-09-2006, 05:52 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
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Originally Posted by spindles
Sounds like you are probably smarter about Hylafax than I am but... just thought I would try to help.
When I did not have the faxmaster set up how I wanted it, I would see emails from Hylafax in /var/spool/mail. They were just in a file called "fax". Maybe your mails are going there.

Also, check in etc/aliases. Don't know your distro, but suse uses the list in there to decide where emails go, i.e. system emails. I think I had to add who the faxmaster is in that file.

Also, maybe unrelated, I have in /etc/hosts this note:

# hylafax seemed to suggest to put this in. 10 June 05
# because sendfax was saying: "Can not reach server at host "localhost", port 4559" localhost loopback

Anyway, maybe not very helpful, but good luck.
Iv had a look in there and it seems all my mail is going to root ?!?! how do i change this so it sends it to email addresses if i double click on the root all the emails seem to be there dam this is annoying but il stick at it with sum help from you guys !!!
Old 05-09-2006, 06:11 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2006
Posts: 19

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and one thing i notice is that aliases the file are in a folder called postfix on the server that does work with notification, and the aliases are just in the default on the one that notification does not work
Old 05-09-2006, 11:45 PM   #5
Registered: May 2005
Location: New Zealand
Distribution: Now Ubuntu 16.04
Posts: 154

Rep: Reputation: 15
I have /etc/aliases, and it includes the following:

faxadm: root
faxmaster: my-user-name

And I get all the most useful messages at my-user-name. I have my email program collect when it checks for mail.

I have no aliases file in /etc/postfix.

If you look in /var/spool/fax/status/, you might see where HylaFax thinks mail should go. Mine says:

HylaFAX version 4.1.8 built Tue Apr 6 18:12:35 UTC 2004 for i386-suse-linux
faxmaster: my-user-name

I expect this means that HylaFax set the faxmaster name after reading it from aliases.

Luckily I have never had to tweak or change any postfix settings because it worked fine the way Suse installed it.

Location of setup.cache on my system is:

I have a vague memory that I also got the 'setup.cache is missing' message once before, until I ran faxsetup again.

Well, I feel like the blind leading the not-so-blind, but hope you get it sorted out soon. Good luck.


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