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Old 02-04-2009, 08:03 AM   #1
Registered: May 2008
Distribution: SuSe
Posts: 50

Rep: Reputation: 15
HP 2133 + OpenSuSE 11.0 (vs SLED)

I have just got OpenSuSE 11.0 working on my HP 2133.

I think the OS is much better now, I can play movies, use Skype, get the webcam, microphone working etc.

However I still have some issues

1)The resolution is somehow off. Does anybody have a link where I can find valid resolutions for the HP2133. I have messed around with various resolutions, but it just doesnt look right - stretched etc.

Also, in SLED, there was a nice resolution switcher in the system tray - is there such a thing for SuSE 11.0 ?

In addition to this, I have failed to get the via chrome9 drivers to work with "3D" - has anybody managed this on SuSE 11.0? It seems to complain a lot when compiling. I will try it again at some point.

2)Wireless networking

I am now using the "hybrid" driver, for the internal wireless card. It will not work with the standard broadcom drivers (I have already checked the PCI ids etc) However I would really like to use the wireless network search tool which was in SLED. This popped up on mousemove on the system tray a list of current networks and their signal strength, whether they were encrypted, at a glance.

I am now having to resort to "iwpriv eth1 scanning" to get my list of networks.

Anybody know what tool this was?

Also I need to load the driver every time suse starts. Is there any command I can do to integrate the driver into the SuSE files, rather than doing a manual insmod ./*drivername* from the directory I installed each time I restart. Modprobe does not see it. I have tried sysconfig and load modules on start, but either it does not accept the path or something errors out.

3)SLED recovery disk

Is there a SLED recovery image available? I know you can download the iso from but is there anything you can download which restores the hp2133 back to its factory settings with all configurations already complete?

I think there is a similar thing for windows. There is an iso on the website but it does not contain a recovery image, just a lot of rpms.
Old 02-25-2009, 04:48 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Feb 2009
Posts: 1

Rep: Reputation: 0
As for wireless, register the 'Packman' community repository, look into the category 'recommended packages' in your package manager and you will see two Broadcom packages highlighted for installation (the driver and the kernel-module). Install them both and your wireless will work flawlessly, including networkmanager (that's the tool you are describing) - it works on my HP 2133 and openSUSE 11.1.

The openchrome driver seems to support some kind of 3D acceleration, but it doesn't work with Compiz. Watch the errors you get during compiling for the necessary build-requirements and install those. Don't forget to add the '--prefix=/usr' argument to 'configure'. Resolution switcher doesn't work with openchrome.

Last edited by eet; 02-25-2009 at 04:53 AM.


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