Originally Posted by Mr. Alex
Hi LQ.org! I have external HDD that is encrypted with TrueCrypt. It doesn't even have a partition, it's just /dev/sdd which you have to mount with TrueCrypt. And the filesystem on it is ext4 (it's asked when you create such volume in TrueCrypt). But ext4 can be managed with "tune2fs". Can I do it with encrypted volume? 'Cause when it's mounted, you can't apply tune2fs to it and when it's not it's invisible.
yes you can.
unlock your truecrypt volume normally and then run "mount" command on the termninal to get a list of mounted volumes and you will see an entry like:
/dev/mapper/truecrypt3 on /media/truecrypt3 type vfat (rw,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077)
"/dev/mapper/truecrypt3" path will point to a cleartext version of your truecrypt volume.
run "umount /dev/mapper/truecrypt3" to unmount the volume and then run tune2fs on that path.
when done,mount the path again to "/media/truecrypt3" and that should be it.