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Old 07-28-2014, 04:07 AM   #1
Registered: Jan 2012
Location: India
Distribution: Ubuntu, Gentoo, Fedora, Rhel5,openSUSE
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How to monitor and compute performance on rocks cluster?

Hello everyone,
After a lot of googling, I've setup a rocks cluster with 1 frontend node and 2 compute nodes. The rocks version is 6.1 and packaged centos version is 6.5. The cluster is built and the nodes are up and running. I am unable to find good "How to's" to run a service on rocks, monitor the cluster, which node is getting the maximum load? Are the processes being distributed across all the nodes and so on.
I tested small jobs like compiling a c program using mpicc and running the same using mpirun. Which worked. Does a tool specifically to monitor the cluster exists? a tool, for example, generates unnecessary load, a benchmark, or something. What are the good guides i can follow? Please throw some light. Thanks!
Old 07-28-2014, 03:34 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by abhishekgit View Post
Hello everyone,
After a lot of googling, I've setup a rocks cluster with 1 frontend node and 2 compute nodes. The rocks version is 6.1 and packaged centos version is 6.5. The cluster is built and the nodes are up and running. I am unable to find good "How to's" to run a service on rocks, monitor the cluster, which node is getting the maximum load? Are the processes being distributed across all the nodes and so on.
I tested small jobs like compiling a c program using mpicc and running the same using mpirun. Which worked. Does a tool specifically to monitor the cluster exists? a tool, for example, generates unnecessary load, a benchmark, or something. What are the good guides i can follow? Please throw some light. Thanks!
Since you did "a lot of Googling"...did you happen to come across the Rocks documentation that tells you these things????

The Rocks documentation has ALL the commands with explanations..
Old 07-30-2014, 03:34 AM   #3
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I did go through the entire document. There's no information about performance measurement, parallel processing, proving the fact that the cluster is better than a single computer, which is exactly what i asked.
Old 07-30-2014, 09:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by abhishekgit View Post
I did go through the entire document. There's no information about performance measurement, parallel processing, proving the fact that the cluster is better than a single computer, which is exactly what i asked.
There are many references to tools in that document, and many MORE you could have found with a Google search...just typing "how to measure rocks cluster performance", brings back about 70 MILLION hits....! those two, which reference many OTHER tools. Rocks has built-in utilities you can use (referenced in the documentation), which you can script with. There are also third-party tools, like those mentioned above.
Old 08-06-2014, 01:37 AM   #5
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Thank you so much for the links! Got what i wanted
Old 08-06-2014, 10:22 AM   #6
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by abhishekgit View Post
Thank you so much for the links! Got what i wanted
You're welcome, but at least TRY to look things up yourself, rather than asking people to do it for you.


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