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Old 11-19-2004, 12:03 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
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How to listen to streaming Internet audio?

Fresh installation of RedHat Fedora Core 3 with latest (I think) updates.
Test guitar chords and CDs work fine.

In XP, I would browse with Mozilla to, click a station, Winamp launched and my speakers started making pretty sounds.

On RHFC3, I browse with Mozilla to same sites, click link, prompted to launch "Music Player (default)", Rhythmbox 0.8.8 launches, seems to find the station (it displays which song is playing) and then seems to hang. My speakers make NO pretty sounds and I have to force quit rhythmbox.

What's the easiest way to access free streaming audio stations?
Is rhythmbox broken?
Are simple alternatives available that don't send me through 2 hours of dependency hell?
Although I like Shoutcast's selection, I'm happy to try other stuff.

TIA for any tips!!!
Old 11-19-2004, 12:14 PM   #2
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I'm using xmms to stream audio.
Old 11-19-2004, 12:18 PM   #3
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I play all my shoutcast stations with XMMS... and I'm running OpenBSD.. so i have an older release of XMMS... when you click on a shoutcast playlist.. you should get the "save to disk" and "open with" box... if not... than instead of clicking... right-click and save target as.. which should be a .pls file..

Then open XMMS, and select play file.. then click the .pls file you saved... that way... you always have that station right there on the computer...

If, for some reason.. it doesn't open the playlist file.. open up the .pls file with any text editor.. and there is an address in there... like or something... copy that and go to XMMS.. select "Play location" and then paste that address in there...

It's sort of a pain.. and i think there's a plugin for XMMS to make to work better...but I'm conent... because I only play 2 stations... and i have both playlist files in my home directory... so i can easily switch between the two...

I hate rythmbox... and you should be able to change what program defaults to .pls files...
Old 11-19-2004, 02:35 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thumbs up

Thanks for the tips! For other noobs out there, here are the detailed steps I used on RedHat Fedora Core 3: From command prompt:

apt-get update
apt-cache search xmms
apt-cache show xmms
apt-cache show xmms-mp3
apt-get install xmms
apt-get install xmms-mp3

Browse to and click on a station...
When prompted select Open with Other, browse to /usr/bin and select xmms.
xmms should launch and play the channel as expected.

As you probably noticed in the apt-cache search xmms results, there are many xmms-related components. I/you may need to go back and get additional components to support other options.

Additional helpful links:
Old 11-19-2004, 02:43 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2003
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add this to your apt repository
rpm redhat/en/i386/fc3 newrpms
rpm-src redhat/en/i386/fc3 newrpms

or this to your YUM
name=Fedora Core 3

apt-get install streamtuner
yum install streamtuner

type "streamtuner" and enjoy the sounds

streamtuner has tons of shoutcast and other stations in its default it calls up xmms as the default player
Old 11-19-2004, 02:44 PM   #6
Registered: Jul 2004
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A good application for that is streamtuner. It's stream directory browser and you can add other plugins so you have shoutcast, Live365, google stations and lots more. And if you have streamripper you can record the stations at will.




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