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Old 11-03-2004, 02:45 PM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: NC
Distribution: Fedora,Mepis,Debian
Posts: 84

Rep: Reputation: 15
How to interact a script with a legacy DOS app

I have a legacy DOS app (actually it is the COMPLY.EXE effluent release program found on the EPA website) which asks for user input to a bunch of questions then calculates and outputs to a file. Since this program won't allow you to Ctrl-Brk out it is a major pain to rerun if you make an entry error and have to reenter ALL inputs again.
I would like to store all the user answers in a file and use some sort of input redirection to feed it the stream of data.
I have tried various input redirect methods in both DOS and in DOSEMU (using freedos) without positive results.

For example
command result
type mydata.dat > comply starts COMPLY.EXE
type mydata.dat | comply starts COMPLY.EXE which immediately dies
error in line 64 error number 3023

I could possibly use a second machine and ssh into the first one somehow and feed the values . I remember in the old days one could use a communications program (I think it was called Crosstalk) to run a script on a second machine).
Any help would be appreciated. Maybe I am trying to do redirection improperly.
Ken Scott


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