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Old 02-12-2009, 12:48 PM   #1
Registered: Jan 2009
Posts: 114

Rep: Reputation: 17
Exclamation How To Install MediaWiki On Linux?

Does anyone know?
I have been trying all day with No success.(lot of suc tho)!
I have visited many web pages some started pretty good in their instructions but then soon ran out of steam!

I have installed apache2, PHP5, Mysql,zope, plone etc, etc, you name it, But there is Not really any useful instructions in that Wiki I downloaded.
None tell me the relationship between for instance, sql and wiki?
they all tell me I must have mysql or other dbase running? So does that mean I type mysql and then leave the rest to God to bring up the wiki?

The media wiki installed itself under /usr/www/ but many web sites tell me it should be under/var/www/
so I moved mine...

Any way I am more confused and tired than 7 hours ago!

Does anyone know a good link please?
in any case the closest I got was when I did http://localhost/wiki/config/
(as 1 of the instructions told me to) I got my browser's Save/Open pop-up deal wanting to know what I would like to do with the file which is already on my own hard drive?!
Any way, any idea would be greatly appreciated.
as you can see I am new and in a hurry to gain some knowledge (b4 they fire me) LOL
Old 02-12-2009, 01:23 PM   #2
Registered: Jul 2008
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Have you looked at the Mediawiki Installation Guide?
Old 02-12-2009, 01:36 PM   #3
Registered: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by AuroraCA View Post
Have you looked at the Mediawiki Installation Guide?
umm, I dont know how I didnt see this page?
I must have missed this one somehow?

looks pretty good , thanks!

(Aurora? I cant even spell it but it is a fantastic thing, there was a program on BBC a few weeks ago about that up near the north pole, the lady reporter was just speechless...)
Old 02-12-2009, 02:29 PM   #4
Registered: Jul 2008
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When I installed Wikimedia on Linux I was very confused at first. The Wikimedia site is so large and disorganized that it took me a while to figure out how to install it also.

If you are looking for a good wiki and are not settled on Wikimedia you may want to look at MindTouch Deki which is also an open source wiki which has much better support and far better capabilities than Wikimedia. Deki has WYSIWYG editing and very powerful Web 2.0 capabilities.

Mozilla (the developers of FireFox) converted their developer center from Mediawiki to to Deki.
Old 02-12-2009, 07:24 PM   #5
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first of all you need apache php and mysql installed on your linux box
how to do that depends on you distro
that being said
download the latest mediawiki tarball and uncompress it into your document root for your webserver
this might either be /var/www or /var/www/html depending on your distribution
optionally create a database for your wiki using the mysql superuser (usually root) with

mysqladmim -hlocalhost -uroot -proot_password create wiki_db

rename the folder wiki (or whatever you want)
in the root of the new wiki directory there is a folder config, chmod a+w this (chmod a+w config)
then browse to http://localhost/wiki (or whatever folder you named your wiki directory) and follow the instructions
mediawiki can create the database on install if necessary as long as you provide it with a username and password capable of creating databases

once you fill out the form appropriately it should take you to a page that gives you more instructions, follow them

basically move LocalSettings.php out of the config directory into the wiki root and make sure it isnt writable
then click on the link to the wiki

that should be it

Last edited by frieza; 02-12-2009 at 07:26 PM.
Old 02-13-2009, 06:08 AM   #6
Registered: Jan 2009
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Rep: Reputation: 17
Thank you guys, Yes I ran into that MindTouch and downloaded it. but have not used it yet.

And thanks for the info on sql stuff Frieza!

I have figured out that there are different versions of apaches which require a little different configurations.
Mainly the locations of files/folders ,also I thought httpd was a separate program but later I found out it runs within Apache2. (-k restart)
Also there are folders (depending which version of Apache etc,) Under /etc/apache2/
some have a file called httpd.conf (and that is where I screwed up) and some have a folder in the same directory called sites-available/ and then under this folder there is file called default which you should put the httpd configurations like <virtualHost *> ..whatever in this file.
any way I am almost there but since I am using localhost without a real IP address I am having a little hard time
But appreciate you all's inputs.
I hope this will help some one else?
Old 02-13-2009, 11:30 AM   #7
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using localhost it apache should work out of box if you have the php-mysql package installed (might be named php5-mysql) or something like that
the wiki like this forum for instance uses the database to store user created posts
good luck


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