Does anyone know?
I have been trying all day with No success.(lot of suc tho)!
I have visited many web pages some started pretty good in their instructions but then soon ran out of steam!
I have installed apache2, PHP5, Mysql,zope, plone etc, etc, you name it, But there is Not really any useful instructions in that Wiki I downloaded.
None tell me the relationship between for instance, sql and wiki?
they all tell me I must have mysql or other dbase running? So does that mean I type mysql and then leave the rest to God to bring up the wiki?
The media wiki installed itself under /usr/www/ but many web sites tell me it should be under/var/www/
so I moved mine...
Any way I am more confused and tired than 7 hours ago!
Does anyone know a good link please?
in any case the closest I got was when I did
(as 1 of the instructions told me to) I got my browser's Save/Open pop-up deal wanting to know what I would like to do with the file which is already on my own hard drive?!

Any way, any idea would be greatly appreciated.
as you can see I am new and in a hurry to gain some knowledge (b4 they fire me) LOL