Claws -- import from TheBAT
Thanks TWB - I finally got there although I think I need to work on the plugins more. There must be a way to import e-mails from TheBAT but I cannot find any clear procedures. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Stavanger 19March2007 -- I figured it out with some help from old notes and things like that. TheBAT allows export in Unix mailbox format and that, apparently, is what Claws uses. So export each batch from the folders and copy to somewhere like Home in Linux. In Claws create teh same folders, go to File >Import mbox file and and they come in. I do understand how a mbox file works but it opens with a text editor and it looks like a mass of e-mails but with a separator somewhere.
Last edited by Steve900; 03-19-2007 at 04:04 PM.