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Old 03-21-2005, 02:33 PM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
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How to get POP Gmail to work with Evolution?

Hello -

I am trying to set up POP e-mail with a gmail account. I am using Evolution 1.2.2. I switched the proper setting at gmail and set up an account in Evolution. However, Evolution won't go through. I'm wondering if Evolution doesn't use the proper SSL port. How can I check which SSL port Evolution is using?

Has anyone else managed to get POP gmail working with Evolution? If so, how did you do it?

Thanks for any help.
Old 03-22-2005, 07:02 AM   #2
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the thing is gmail uses diffrent pop and smtp port

pop port : 995

smtp port : 587
Old 03-22-2005, 10:25 AM   #3
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Thanks for the reply.

I know Gmail uses different ports. My problem is, how do I get Evolution 1.2.2 to use those ports? I have poked around in Evolution and can't seem to find anyplace where I can change the ports. There must be some way, but I am stumped.

Of course I could solve my problem by using a different e-mail client, but I've been using Evolution for some time to get my other pop e-mail and would rather not switch. Any help with Evolution would be much appreciated.
Old 03-25-2005, 05:29 AM   #4
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You need to enter a colon followed by the port number after the server address.
Old 03-25-2005, 10:44 AM   #5
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It worked

Slysy -

Thank you very much. That was exactly the information I needed. I put it into Evolution and the mail downloaded from the Gmail server. It did give me a message saying the Gmail certificate was bad (in more words) but I said accept it anyhow.

Not sure why Evolution said the certificate was bad. I can download my mail from the Gmail server now but sending gives me an error saying the server requires authentication (I have evolution set to use authentication but I think since it considers the certificate bad it doesn't use it or something)

If anyone has any information on this further problem I would appreciate hearing.
Old 03-25-2005, 01:29 PM   #6
Registered: Nov 2003
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I am using evolution with my gmail account and i wasn't required to put in the port information. I'm using version 2.0.4 of Evolution.
Old 03-25-2005, 02:41 PM   #7
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I am using version 1.2.2. Most likely your newer version is different/improved.

In any case, putting in the port numbers has allowed me to access the account. I can get mail I just can't send, I think, because Evolution said the certificate was bad. Why Evolution said that, I don't know. But that is where my problem has progressed too.
Old 03-26-2005, 04:48 PM   #8
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I'm using Evolution 2.0.2.

I followed the suggestion above and it is working fine. In the sending mail tab, did you set the 'Use Secure Connection (SSL)' on?
Old 03-26-2005, 06:29 PM   #9
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messed up

The error message is: "MAIL FROM response error: Authentication Required"

But . . .

I already have "use SSL connection: always"


Server requires authentication.

Like I said previously, the first time I tried to send over the gmail account it told me the Gmail SSL certificate was bad and asked if I still wanted to accept . . . I said yes, but since then I have not been able to send e-mail.

I don't know why Evolution said the certificate was bad, but I'm thinking I need to scrub out the SSL certificate information from my Evolution and have it get it from Gmail again.

How would I go about removing this "bad" certificate from Evolution?
Old 06-24-2005, 01:40 AM   #10
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I am using Evolution 2.2.2, I have read this post and tried specifying the port numbers as suggested, I have configured it to always use a secure connection, etc... but I still can't get/send Gmail with evolution. Any other suggestions?

With the certificates, you ought to be able to go to Edit->Preferences->Security and delete the certificate.
Old 06-24-2005, 01:54 AM   #11
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Sending and receiving gmail using Mozilla Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird works just fine. Why you need a fancy program like Evolution to handle e-mail?
Old 06-24-2005, 12:17 PM   #12
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I would like to make it work, since it should. Also I like having one place to go to see a calander, mail, tasks, etc... I know Mozilla has Thunderbird and Sunbird, but that seems like just as much work getting them to work like I want as making Evolution work.
Old 12-17-2008, 03:11 PM   #13
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Hi all

I registered simply to post my solution to this annoying problem.

I have Evolution 2.22.31 on FC9. I kept getting the bad certificate dialog and managed to solve the problem by importing the Thawte root certificates from www!thawte!com/roots/ (first post). The ZIP contains a file "Thawte Server Roots" which contains the Premium Server cert called "ThawtePremiumServerCA.cert".

To import this use edit>preferences>certificates>Authorities Tab>Import; locate the file; tick the "Trust to identify websites" tab

Whoo! No more problems because Evolution can validate the certificate sig against an authority.

God knows why Evolution isn't bundled with common CA certs (which I presume Thunderbird is?)

Anyway, I hope this helps people as frustrated as I was!



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