How to Get Open Office 2.0beta to Mimic MS Office 2003 Look?
This weekend, I installed Open Office 2.0 beta on my daughter's SuSE 9.0 machine, and when it comes up it seems to mimic the MS Office 2003 look, with bluish curved 3D looking menu bars. Really quite a pleasing look (even if Microsoft did design it!). Today, I installed the same package following the same steps on my Mandrake 10.1 machine, and the MS Office 2003 look isn't there. I hunted around the settings and tried enabling the 3G stuff in the "View" options, but it made no difference. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to enable this cool menu bar schema (and why it works by default on SuSE 9.0, but not on Mandrake 10.1?)? Thanks!