Install the kernel tarball into your home directory (that's available from, and then:
$ tar -xjvf <filename_of_kernel>
$ sudo mv <unpacked_directory> /usr/src
$ cd /usr/src
$ sudo ln -s <unpacked_directory> linux
$ cd linux
$ make mrproper
$ make O=/home/<your_name>/build/kernel menuconfig
Configure it with the necessary options, and then
$ make O=/home/<your_name>/build/kernel
$ sudo make O=/home/<your_name>/build/kernel modules_install install
$ cd /boot
$ mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-<version_of_kernel> <version_of_kernel>
$ vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
Now, point one of your menu listings in grub to the new kernel. Reboot, and you should be all set.
This assumes your are using grub.