I'm in high need of backing up my android tablet data because I've to reset the tablet to company defaults as it isn't working properly.
The files of much importance are photos & videos. I'm not getting a way to back up data which will retain the time stamp.
Through command line, I tried using
tar in my Ubuntu13.04 laptop.
ravbholua@ravbholua-Aspire-5315:/run/user/ravbholua/gvfs/mtp:host=%5Busb%3A002%2C003%5D/65537/9$ tar -cvf /media/ravbholua/f34890dd-20d2-4d78-92c9-1de7c0957f00/jackal.tar .
tar: ./33: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./34: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./35: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./36: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./37: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./38: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/209: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/210: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/211: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/216: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/217: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/218: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/903: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/904: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/905: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/906: Cannot open: Operation not supported
tar: ./50/907: Cannot open: Operation not supported
ravbholua@ravbholua-Aspire-5315:/run/user/ravbholua/gvfs/mtp:host=%5Busb%3A002%2C003%5D/65537/9$ sudo tar -cvf /media/ravbholua/f34890dd-20d2-4d78-92c9-1de7c0957f00/jackal.tar .
[sudo] password for ravbholua:
tar: .: Cannot stat: Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
I haven't tried any other command though as it seems they also won't work.
Through GUI via nautilus, though I'm able to copy & paste the files from tablet to laptop but the time stamp can't be retained. I've
this thread for this.
If not in laptop, can the data be directly transferred to external HDD. But that also doesn't seem to be possible as both tablet & external HDD have micro usb port but the cable I got with tablet has micro usb at one end & usb at the other end; the same with the cable of HDD.