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Old 02-04-2009, 11:40 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2006
Distribution: Ubuntu / Mepis
Posts: 144

Rep: Reputation: 15
How do I put my website on a CD?

I know there is software I can buy to put my website onto a CD for legal archiving purposes. Is there such software for Linux (like free)?

Old 02-04-2009, 12:23 PM   #2
Registered: Aug 2007
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Hi Paul

If you are just doing a backup, then its just a drag and drop process
on the CD, which I'm sure your aware of. It sounds like you want your
website to work on the CD like it does on the web?

Sorry I dont know of a software to do that for you.

However you can do it yourself by changing the anchors in the website
to point to a file location instead of a web address.

Some web editors will let you set up your site to run on your computer
like it does on the web. So you will have to research which editor to

Im using bluefish, but I dont know if it will make the change automatically like you want. The last time I set up a site to run
from a computer (or CD), I did it by changing the anchors.

Hope this helps

Old 02-04-2009, 01:00 PM   #3
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If you could specify a little bit in more detail what you are trying to accomplish we may be able to help you better. So you have a website, that you made ? And where is it hosted ? And are you trying to back it up so that it still works from the CD, or just to have the data ?

I have a website, and because I only made relative links between the pages they will work even offline. If you designed the website that way, then it would be as simple as using a burning program to burn the files and directories that make up the site. (like k3b)

Last edited by H_TeXMeX_H; 02-04-2009 at 01:01 PM.
Old 02-04-2009, 07:09 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by H_TeXMeX_H View Post
And where is it hosted ? And are you trying to back it up so that it still works from the CD, or just to have the data ?

I have a website, and because I only made relative links between the pages they will work even offline. If you designed the website that way, then it would be as simple as using a burning program to burn the files and directories that make up the site. (like k3b)
Right now it is ftp to a remote host provider (not in-house). I went online and visited my site, then did "save as" to the desktop for each page. There are only 30 pages so it was not too time consuming. Then put them into a folder. Of course they didn't link because I was local and not online. At least I have a good backup of each this way.. But I'd like the links work just like online-like Vanch76 said change the anchors, or maybe I can use relative links if my editor will allow it.
Buring a CD should be simple if these relative links work.

Last edited by klarsin; 02-04-2009 at 07:20 PM.
Old 02-04-2009, 07:16 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by vansch76 View Post
Hi Paul

It sounds like you want your
website to work on the CD like it does on the web?

However you can do it yourself by changing the anchors in the website
to point to a file location instead of a web address.

Some web editors will let you set up your site to run on your computer
like it does on the web. So you will have to research which editor to
First I use Net Ojects Fusion 8 on WinXP. I can export it as a zip file, but havnt tried reopening and veiwing it directly in a browser. I think I might have to open it within NOF8. But maybe it will work local somehow. As to changing anchors, I'd thought of that and maybe will do some experimenting there.
Old 02-05-2009, 05:25 AM   #6
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Look into using wget - you can archive the whole site and it will also change the links so they work locally rather than on the site (so switch from to /home/user/site/page/ which would mean that the archive would be usable offline.
Old 02-05-2009, 09:51 AM   #7
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In addition to what XavierP said, you could also use the perl curl mirror script:


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