How do I install nvidia drivers?
Running knoppix latest version
I started the installer for nvidia drivers (from the .run program obtained from nvidias site)
During the install procedure, got a message about rivafb would conflict or something.
(SIDENOTE: Thats strange however since lsmod never showed any rivafb)
Anyhow, after installing the, I reboot.
Now, note I havent even modified XFREE at all yet, nor have I even typed 'insmod nvidia' yet.
I rebooted, and entered my user/pass at KDM. Saw a bit of the KDE loading splash... then got the following error:
The application unknown (kdmgreet) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSSEV)
I hit enter/ok and I'm put back at the login screen.
I suppose installing nvidia drivers isn't possible on knoppix? Has anyone got a way to install the drivers that actually works?
Any replies would be appriciated, desperate!