How do I install Cheops-ng on KDE? (Slackware 10.2)
I am actually trying to google this, but it would be nice if I got a link to a good Cheops-on-KDE HowTo, possibly with specific Slack instructions, or even better an auto-installing package (installpkg)
Problem is that Cheops-ng requires Gnome and I run KDE; I could install some Gnome Libraries why not, but I dont know which ones I need and how to properly install them without screwing up my KDE.
I used to run Gnome on Ubuntu, then I switchet to Slack because Ubuntu was ...too user friendly (!) and I wasnt learning anything, now I'm learning a lot and fast but I have to ask questions all the time (but I try to "give" too, by answering to other people's questions when I can)
OK, I'm going OT as usual. better stop it here, and thanks in advance for all the useful links to Cheops/KDE howtos.
Last edited by Luke771; 03-17-2006 at 04:27 PM.