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Old 06-19-2015, 01:40 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2015
Posts: 5

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
help with setting up software

I am quiet new to this OS. It would be of great help if someone could suggest and explain the commands in installing Hope software.The manual provides the following steps:

I. To install hope, follow the procedures described below.

1. To install hope, make a bin directory under your home
directory. Suppose that the home directory is ~cad and
the source code of hope is under the directory

2. Go to the directory hope.
"cd ~cad/etg/hope".

3. To compile hope, type "make".
An execution file "hope" will be created.

4. Copy or symbolically link hope to the directory ~cad/bin using
"cp hope ~cad/bin" or
"ln -s hope ~cad/bin/hope".
II. Before using hope, each user should set the following two environment variables as described below.

1. Set your path (or PATH) environment variable to include
~cad/bin in your search path. This variable, in general,
can be found in your ".cshrc" file. For example, the line

set path = ( .... ~cad/bin)

includes ~cad/bin to your search path.

2. Set the HOPE_MAN environment variable to indicate the
directory hope, where the on-line manual of hope is
located, using the setenv command as shown below.

"setenv HOPE_MAN ~cad/etg/hope"

If you use hope frequently, add the above command to your
".cshrc" file.
Old 06-19-2015, 01:44 PM   #2
LQ Guru
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Originally Posted by gcs7 View Post
I am quiet new to this OS. It would be of great help if someone could suggest and explain the commands in installing Hope software.The manual provides the following steps:

I. To install hope, follow the procedures described below.

1. To install hope, make a bin directory under your home directory. Suppose that the home directory is ~cad and the source code of hope is under the directory ~cad/etg/hope.

2. Go to the directory hope. "cd ~cad/etg/hope".

3. To compile hope, type "make". An execution file "hope" will be created.

4. Copy or symbolically link hope to the directory ~cad/bin using "cp hope ~cad/bin" or "ln -s hope ~cad/bin/hope". II. Before using hope, each user should set the following two environment variables as described below.

1. Set your path (or PATH) environment variable to include ~cad/bin in your search path. This variable, in general, can be found in your ".cshrc" file. For example, the line

set path = ( .... ~cad/bin)

includes ~cad/bin to your search path.

2. Set the HOPE_MAN environment variable to indicate the directory hope, where the on-line manual of hope is located, using the setenv command as shown below.

"setenv HOPE_MAN ~cad/etg/hope"

If you use hope frequently, add the above command to your ".cshrc" file.
First, please read the LQ Rules, and the "Question Guidelines" link in my posting signature. You posted the same question twice, which isn't a good thing. Also, you don't provide us any details (version/distro of Linux, where you got this 'hope' software, etc.

Most puzzling is what you're stuck with...the instructions are VERY clear, and tell you what to type. What, exactly, is the problem you're having? Follow those instructions.
Old 06-19-2015, 01:59 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2015
Posts: 5

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Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Sorry about the double posting ,I just joined the forum and was unsure about where exactly i needed to post it.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04.

I. To install hope, follow the procedures described below.
Whats the difference between the bin directories in step 1 and step 4? Does the bin in step 4 belong to the root directory?

II. Before using hope, each user should set the following two environment variables as described below.
Step1: the path variable is to be set to which bin directory?
Step2 :the setenv command doesnt exist.

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