help with Knoppix 3.8, k3b, and growisofs install?
my windows died and i am in dire need to get some DVDs burned. the install of the DVD burner is what killed my windows OS, but Knoppix loads just fine and with the 3.8vs it now detects all of my hardware including my onboard 10/100/1000 3com NIC.
problem is in order for k3b to burn a DVD it requires growisofs, i have found it (not as a .deb or apt-get) in a tar.gz, but when i uncompress it and try to run makefile i get an error... or im told it is already upto date or something odd like that. will post the exact error again here in a bit once apt-get upgrade is finished running.
yes i am running off of the CD, and not toram hack. i only used the following to boot the CD
knoppix dma xmodule=radeon
this should give me better performance with the DVD burner and did fix the issue i was having with my vid card. stupid ATI and their disgust of linux power/freedom.
the problems i am having are as follows:
if i sudo k3b i get an error telling me i need to install growisofs, if i just run k3b as user the system will lock up at 1% into the burn and ruin the blank DVD.
help, guidance, sujestions, etc...