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Old 01-08-2006, 07:10 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
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help with kaffeine

i am fairly new to linux and i can not get my kaffeine to play any videos. i use suse linux 10.0 and i do not know where to start to get it to work. i tried installing all the new codecs and even tried reinstalling kaffeine. i don't know how else i could fix it. someone help me please!
Old 01-08-2006, 07:29 PM   #2
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The codes for xine and Mplayer are required to be in the directory kaffeine is looking for then in.

Mplayerhq and xinehq sites have tutes, I think. I installed them from source, and got the info from the install file within.

In Kaffeine, go to settings, xine engine parameters, decoder. This shows the folder where Kaffeine is looking for the codecs.

On my Box it's.. /usr/lib/codecs

Go to /usr/lib/win32 if it's there, (I'm using Mandriva, so it may be different.) and copy all those files to /usr/lib/codecs .

Ah, here is the readme....

These are binary codecs for use with MPlayer. They are useless for normal
Windows players (like WMP, QuickTime, RealPlayer, ...) as they only contain
the DLLs without installer and other fancy stuff needed to use them with
common Windows players.

Put the files contained in this archive in a directory where MPlayer will find
them. The default directory is /usr/local/lib/codecs/ ($prefix/lib/codecs/) if
you are compiling from source, but you can change that value by passing the
'--with-codecsdir' option to './configure'.

If you use a prebuilt MPlayer package it will most likely be /usr/lib/codecs,
see the documentation of your package for details.

In the past /usr/local/lib/win32 or /usr/lib/win32 was the default directory,
some packages as well as a few other Unix players like xine and avifile still
use it, refer to their documentation for further details.
Old 01-17-2006, 06:14 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: huntington station
Distribution: suse pro 8.2
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i've put the plugins in the correct directory according to kaffeine, i've tried mplayer and xine-ui and i still can't get anything to play. i dunno what else to do.


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