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Old 08-09-2001, 02:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: ca
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Help: wierd screen after Linux install


I desperately need some expert's help:

I installed Linux 6.0 on my IBM Aptiva computer. First I couldn't find my monitor (ASTvision) in the selection list, so I chose "custom" and specify the resolution as "generic high frequency screen svga: 1024x768 @70hz" and then for vertical frequency I used "50-70hz" (also tried 50-90, 40-150z), it then finished installation without other problem. After reboot, the characters on the screen were so big that I could see few words.
I couldn't even find the icon to turn off the computer from the

Could anybody tell me what is the problem? Is it just a matter of choosing the wrong resolution? How do I fix it?

Thanks a lot for any helpful hints.

Old 08-09-2001, 04:11 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jun 2001
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is this a graphical login or a text login? it sounds like the resolution info is getting mixed up somewhere, like the x-server is trying to get 1024x768 but the vidcard is putting out 320x200 or something.

just to start off, i'd try getting the lowest resolution going first on a driver, then start trying the higher ones.
Old 08-09-2001, 08:22 AM   #3
LQ Guru
Registered: Jan 2001
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What version of Linux, we know its 6.0, but what distro? You can use Xconfigurator to configure Redhat, SaX for SuSE, xf86config for Slackware and almost any distro with X installed, turboxconfig for TurboLinux.... etc.....


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