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Old 04-10-2009, 10:45 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2009
Posts: 25

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Help!! Problem with Mondo Archiver

I'm running Centos 5 and have compiled the latest and greatest version of Mondo Archiver.

I can run the back up manually by just running mondoarchiver with no arguments and answering all of the questions. My problem is that when I try to run it from a batch file so I can use run it automatically from cron I have all kinds of problems. Currently I'm getting

'SIGABRT signal received from OS
Abort - probably failed assertion. I'm sleeping for a few seconds so you can rea

and it stops there, I have to kill the process to get back to a prompt.

This is happening during the verify part of the process.

here is the batch file:

/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
/usr/local/sbin/mondoarchive -Ou -0 -d /dev/st0 -N -e -K 99 -p "mondoboot" -s 20g -W
/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 rewind
/usr/local/sbin/mondoarchive -Vu -0 -d /dev/st0 -e
/bin/mt -f /dev/st0 rewind

The reason I'm not using the -W is just for testing purposes and the -u and -s was just to see if I got a different error from the -t but I'm getting the same error.

Here is the last lines from the mondoarchive.log file

Please wait. This may take some time.

update_progress_form_full(Verifying all bigfiles.,Verifying bigfile #2 (664048 K),Please wait. This may take some time.) --- g_current_progress=2; g_maximum_progress=1
update_progress_form_full(Verifying all bigfiles.,Verifying bigfile #3 (568048 K),Please wait. This may take some time.) --- g_current_progress=2; g_maximum_progress=1
update_progress_form_full(Verifying all bigfiles.,Verifying bigfile #4 (342065 K),Please wait. This may take some time.) --- g_current_progress=2; g_maximum_progress=1
update_progress_form_full(Verifying all bigfiles.,Verifying bigfile #5 (109360 K),Please wait. This may take some time.) --- g_current_progress=2; g_maximum_progress=1
[Main] libmondo-stream.c->read_header_block_from_stream#1190: Bad header block at 9408640 K
Wrong marker! (Should be BLK_STOP_FILE, is actually BLK_UNKNOWN (32))
actual cksum=**..................] 8 134783776one; 52:48 to go
---progress-form---1--- I am backing up your live filesystem now.
---progress-form---2--- Volume 1: 906,240 kilobytes archived so far
---progress-form---3--- Please wait. This may take a couple of hours.
---progress-form---4--- TASK: [**..................] 8 156380024one; 52:51 to go
SIGABRT signal received from OS
Abort - probably failed assertion. I'm sleeping for a few seconds so you can read the message.
[Main] libmondo-fifo.c->kill_buffer#171: kill_buffer() --- command = ps auxww | grep -F "buffer -m 32m -p20 -B -s32768 -i /dev/st0 2>> /var/log/mondoarchive.log" | grep -Fv grep | awk '{print $2;}' | grep -v PID | head -1
SIGINT signal received from OS
You interrupted me :-)
[Main] libmondo-fifo.c->kill_buffer#171: kill_buffer() --- command = ps auxww | grep -F "buffer -m 32m -p20 -B -s32768 -i /dev/st0 2>> /var/log/mondoarchive.log" | grep -Fv grep | awk '{print $2;}' | grep -v PID | head -1

Any Ideas??


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