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Old 10-17-2004, 09:27 AM   #1
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Nerdville
Distribution: Slackware 10.1
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 15
Help me! How do you install? I know it's been asked before but...plz read...

Hey, I am having a major problem! In short, my question is where do programs go when they are installed I installed WINE a few times...I have searched my HD, I can't find the program. How do I open a program once it is already installed

I had the same problem with Mozilla Firefox...I downloaded it, installed it, and it launched automatically. After I closed it, I could never find it again!

BG Info:
I'm on Mandrake 10
I use KDE but have GNOME, IceWM, and WindowMaker
LMK if you need anything else

Thanks guys!

I is a
Old 10-17-2004, 09:38 AM   #2
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It will install where you ask it to go. If it is from source then use --prefix with the configure script to set the install path. If you run ./configure --help it should show you the default path.
Old 10-17-2004, 09:42 AM   #3
Registered: Oct 2004
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I am quite a newb, I didn't really understand what you said. The installation process never asked me WHERE to install it, I figured it should have. Can you help?

So sorry. And I rarely use a code installation unless I REALLY want the program, it confuses me to no end.
Old 10-17-2004, 09:43 AM   #4
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To find a program:
In a console, type "whereis <program name> ", or "locate <program name>" or "find <program name>"
Example :
whereis mozilla-1.7.3
Screen output : /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.3
Type /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.3/mozilla to run the program.
Use this info to create the shortcuts on your taskbar or desktop icons.
Note: the "mozilla" at the end of the above command is the binary that will execute .

Edit: the <> by program name are not used I just put them in to make it easier to read.

Last edited by joe83; 10-17-2004 at 09:46 AM.
Old 10-17-2004, 09:46 AM   #5
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The easy way to find programs installed to your current paths is with the "which" command.
which wine
which firefox
Typing the program name in a terminal will start it (if it is in your path).
For wine you will want to read "man wine". You need to name a windows program for it to run rather than just typing wine.
You can create desktop icons by right clicking and creating a new link to an application.
Good Luck
Old 10-17-2004, 01:35 PM   #6
Registered: Sep 2004
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Just to clarify.. Typically, most programs install to the /usr/lib/ directory. When in doubt, that should be the first place to check.

However, you should realize that you don't have to know where most programs are installed. Just open a terminal and type "wine notepad", for example. This will open microsoft notepad with wine. You can usually just type the program name from anywhere to run it.
Old 10-17-2004, 03:31 PM   #7
Registered: Oct 2004
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First off I found several programs named "wine*.*". Which one is it? Would it be the program named just plain "wine"?

don't I need to install the windows program for wine to work?

also, I usually (always) prefer not to work with the terminal if it can be avoided

thanks for the help all
Old 10-17-2004, 09:15 PM   #8
Registered: Oct 2004
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dang it! Another problem arises! My flash player is a piece of sh*t. I can't hear music from it (and I know for a fact my sound is working) and I can't focus it; ie I can't play games well.
Old 10-18-2004, 12:41 AM   #9
Registered: Jul 2004
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Ok I think I can help here. Are you a gui user or are you a console user. I am a bit of both I am a newbie as well. If you are a gui user just open up the home icon and you should be able to find your way to wine and other places using the nautulis (I hope I spelled that right). If you need to find things that installed in wine like windows software you are trying to run(ie games and such) then in nautulis you can go the the locatation text box and type /home/.wine this should take you to the wine directory and the c drive directory and there you will see what looks like a windows area. You can do this from a terminal window as well. difference type cd/home/.wine . Now Installation if you flash player is bad i you need to clear up what version you are running is it just the plug in or the full version. If its just the plug int then i recommend that you get plugger it takes care of the plugins for mozzilla and well almost anything i think. If you installed the full version and are using yum or apt-get you can remove them by being SU and when you get to the # part just type yum(or apt-get) remove <program name> . To install replace remove with install. these two will most likely install everything you possible need. If you have more questions or i was to vague or i am just plain wrong let me know. I am a newbie and I am using Fedora Core 1 i have used shrike and knopixx. Let me know I have many many books i am eating up so I can try and find the answer and make it more clear. Trust me i know how it feels to be new.
Old 10-18-2004, 08:19 AM   #10
Registered: Oct 2004
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I apprecitate your help, but there was a lot of information there and I didn't understand it all, even re-reading...would you mind breaking it down more to

1. Do this
2. Open terminal
3 type 'run blah.exe'
4 etc

I'd really appreciate it...thanks
Old 10-18-2004, 07:35 PM   #11
Registered: Jul 2004
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ok lets take it one step at a time.
you want you run a program that was installed by wine (the windows emulator). Since Terminal is the easy way and more effective way lets do that one. !. Open terminal. you should see something that ends with the '$' right. well you should be able to type cd .wine to get you to your wine emulator directory type ls and you will see what is in the directory

next you will see some windows style directories like drive_c and windows and such. here you want to type cd drive_c.

following that type ls again to look in this directory and you should see program_files (or something very similar) type cd program_files to get into this directory.

type ls to see whats inside once you get there.

you should now be able to see the that the directory is full of the programs that usually run in windows. for example I have the SIMU directory which has all my sumitronics software in it. I will be using my SIMU directory to continue this example just exchange SIMU for the name name of the directory to the software you are trying to use. ( ie when you installed it in windows for example warcraft it goes in the 3DO directory)

$cd SIMU <- here put in the name of the directory holding the files you want.

$ wine gemstone.exe <- here you run the .exe file you want to run.

If you have to go into a seperate directory or go deeper to find the file than just type cd (name) to get the the next directory. type cd .. to backtrack. remember to look in each directory with ls.

try this method and get to your directory and run your program after you get this running we can go to other methods and see about making icons on the desktop ok.
Old 10-18-2004, 11:50 PM   #12
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Posts: 24

Rep: Reputation: 15
this guy might be confusing you.

you need to use the console (shell) for some stuff, there's no avoiding it as of yet with mandrake 10.0

locating stuff: (GUI)
1. open any konqueror window (home, recycling bin, whatever).
2. browse to "/" (keep hitting up arrow if you want) or type "/" in location (without quotes)
3. use the konqueror menus and click around until you find "Find file". It's there, I PROMISE.
4. when you get the find / search bar type firefox, then hit enter. NOTE: you may have better results with firefox* (unlike windows, it will only give you exact results without that star)

Firefox: I noticed that it installs in the same directory you downloaded it to. Not to many people have mentioned that, but that's why you can't find it. It's not a recognized command because it installs in the wrong location in Mandrake 10. You can still run it though. What you'll have to do is create a shortcut with the EXACT command (location) of firefox.

Wine: This may have the same problem as firefox. Don't think this is you're fault. Applications should install correctly by default, and they should work.

locating stuff: Shell / Console
1. the "locate" command uses a database that has to be created. chances are, you haven't updated it recently, so their advice is no good.
2. at the prompt: su (then enter password)
3. updatedb (wait a while for it to finish)
4. locate firefox
5. if the results overflow the screen and you want to look at them, you can try "locate firefox |more" and it will page through for you.
6. you can do the same thing with wine!

Good luck bro. Keep comput'n and don't lose hope in Linux!

Last edited by FatButtLarry; 10-18-2004 at 11:53 PM.
Old 10-20-2004, 04:47 PM   #13
Registered: Oct 2004
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appreciate the help...anyone here who has mandrake 10 or has had and knows the differences, and has installed wine and flash or knows how, who can walk me thru step by step precisely what to do? I would love that so much.

Thanks for all the help guys
Old 10-20-2004, 05:36 PM   #14
LQ Newbie
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Im trying to install flash.. but i dont understand a word of what im supposed to do.. i posted a topic here and now i cant find it.. so.. you have installed flashplayer you say? can you explain in a newbie-kind-a-way how you did it.. i havent installed anything on linux so far and i've run it for 2months now.. but its pretty fun to mess around with. i use Mandrake 10.0 i think
Old 10-20-2004, 05:45 PM   #15
Registered: Oct 2004
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I use mandrake as well...Just go to and click download plugin, there are some pretty clear instructions...what I want, however, is not Flash player...I work with Flash itself...

If you have any specific questions, LoveHate, you can message me...but it seems pretty clear unless you confuse yourself with different directories, best just to install everything onto the desktop. flash only offers plugins, mozilla, and stuff...


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