Help how to install Remote Serious Sam 1 Dedicated Server
I am a relative newbie at Linux and have a remote server that I would like to run a Serious Sam server.
Could someone please tell me how I can install Serious Sam (1st encounter) on my remote box. I have the binaries,
1b, 2, and 3 version and have the CD here.
I think I need to do the following but am very unsure.
1. Upload all 3 binaries to my remote box
2. Upload the contents of my Serious Sam CD (windows) to a directory on my remote box
3. Set the CDrom path using the following command
export SETUP_CDROM=/path/to/director/I/uploaded/the/contents/of/CD
4. Set all binaries chmod to 755
5. Run all the binaries is sequence ?
6. Setup a dedicacted Server Script
7. Start a Screen
8. Execute the Dedicated Server Script to start the server
Please help me as I think I may have some things close, but not exact.