Okay, so when I originally started trying to compile Kino, I had to go through dependency after dependency, but it's nothing I mind too much, as it was a simple ./configure;make;checkinstall for each little library Kino needed. No biggie. However, libsamplerate is giving me some trouble. I got the message from Kino's attempted ./configure:
checking for samplerate... Package samplerate was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `samplerate.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'samplerate' found
configure: error: samplerate.pc not found, install libsamplerate-devel (see http://www.mega-nerd.com/SRC/)
Okay, sounds good. I head over to the website, download the latest .tar.gz, and go on my merry way. Read the INSTALL file, says it's typical installation, gloss over ./configure --help, don't see anything out of the ordinary, ./configure;make;checkinstall, BOOM we are in business, but Kino is STILL giving me the same error. After updating my database, and doing a little bit of locate action:
root@onizuka:libsamplerate-0.1.2$ locate samplerate.pc
So samplerate.pc IS there, however, pkg-config can't detect it. Perhaps is only looking in /usr/lib/pkgconfig? Anyway I can make it look in /usr/local/pkgconfig, or do I need to re-install it?
Thanks in advance d;D