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Old 06-12-2006, 11:20 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2005
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 82

Rep: Reputation: 5
Have anyone set up Bluez 3.0?

Hi all

I've been trying to set up Bluez 3.0 (both the libraries and utilities) in Slackware 10.2. I successfully set up previous releases of them, but this attempt wasn't so successful.

First off I did compile and set up D-BUS. It's a requirement of bluez-utils 3.0, and it's up and running with no errors. The problem is the pin-code used for pairing those devices.

In the past I used a simple shell-script for the pin-code because the shipped pinhelper wouldn't work because of some python/GTK error. The script:

echo "PIN:1833"
This script would be /usr/local/sbin/ (which only root can read), and thus the following change to /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf would be needed:

pin_helper /usr/local/sbin/
I tried doing that with bluez-utils 3.0, but the un-modified packaged config-file does not even have the pin_helper setting. I tried adding it anyway, but it did not do anything. So my question is simply: How do I set the pincode for OUTGOING connections from the Linux-box to my Nokia 6230?

I know bluez is otherwise working because an 'hcitool scan' gives the following output:

Scanning ...
        00:15:2A:20:F6:19       Nokia 6230
For the record I'm using ObexFTP to transfer files to/from the phone, and I don't need incoming connections to the Linux box to work. I only need outgoing connection to the phone. I connect to the phone with 'obexftp -b 00:15:2A:20:F6:19 -l' for whatever it matters, and get the following output:

Browsing 00:15:2A:20:F6:19 ...
Channel: 10
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
I type the pin 1833 on the phone, and then the phone tells the Linux-box to get lost. I suppose the Linux-box does not know the pincode, and the stupid phone won't take an empty pin for a valid input.

I'm stuck. Someone please help me.
Old 06-14-2006, 01:36 AM   #2
Registered: Apr 2005
Distribution: Debian
Posts: 82

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 5
No matter. I'd advice everyone to stay away from this 3.0 release until the developers write some serious documentation. I got bluetooth working with FreeBSD now. All that matters is not having to install the bad Toshiba bluetooth stack onto the 2k box.


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