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Old 06-12-2015, 07:52 AM   #1
Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
handbrake won't start Opensuse 13.1

I installed Handbrake on my Opensuse 13.1 box. When I try to run it, I get the bouncing icon, but nothing happens. I don't even see much hard drive activity. I also tried installing it on my notebook with the same result. I did it through YAST and also tried using the "one step install" button on the Handbrake web site.

I ended up booting my computer into Windows and using the Windows version which worked, but I had to put up with Windows. YUK!!!!

Any suggestions?

Old 06-12-2015, 11:24 AM   #2
Registered: Sep 2003
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Hi linuxlimbo,

When you tried to install Handbrake through YAST, did YAST install everything on which Handbrake might depend?

Sometimes when an attempt is made to run something that is GUI based, the errors don't reach the screen, but can be found in a file with a name like .xsession-errors* in your $HOME directory.
Old 06-12-2015, 12:30 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2015
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Try opening the program through the terminal. It should give you a reason why it won't launch. It sounds like it may be a dependency that wasn't installed.
Old 06-12-2015, 02:57 PM   #4
John VV
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the "one click install" has never been a "good idea"
NO ONE will ever LEARN ANYTHING by using it

Handbreak is a GTK program
it needs parts of Gnome
and handbrake-gtk is in the PACKMAN!!!!!!! repo
that has to be up and running

do to copyright and patent issues in the USA ( and other places)
suse can not ship to the usa with copyright and patent encumbered software


packman must be used
and YOU NEED TO "allow vender change" !!!!!!!!
packman rpms MUST be allowed to REPLACE!!!!! the rpms from the oss and non-oss and updates repos
with the versions FROM PACKMAN!!!!

this is all spelled out in the documentation
start with
then the multimedia

open yast
and near the top is "software repositories "

you can also use the install and remove software GUI
( click on "configuration / repositories)

or use the terminal as per the "" docs

Last edited by John VV; 06-12-2015 at 02:59 PM.
Old 06-12-2015, 03:21 PM   #5
Registered: Dec 2004
Posts: 43

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Rep: Reputation: 15
I have both "packman" and "packman multimedia" set up as repositories. Where do I tell it to "allow vender change"?
Old 06-12-2015, 07:24 PM   #6
John VV
LQ Muse
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from the multimedia doc
there is a link on this page
part of the instructions
Another window will open, and you will click to add community repository. Then add the 'Packman' repository. After accepting and adding this repository, YaST will update, indexing the packages included in the Packman repository. .
on that page at the bottom
is this
"Vendor change update"

you can use the GUI tool
or the terminal

to start

open yast and "add and remove software"
then under "options" put a check in the checkbox " allow vender change "
and click "accept"


if using zypper
a list of options will pop up and instead of typing in y or n
1,2,3,or 4


a command will be displaied
-- an example i have ffmpeg from packman BUT a different repo also has one a bit newer
su -
zypper up ffmpeg
---------- gives me these options in the output ------------
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
There is an update candidate for 'ffmpeg', but it is from a different vendor. Use 'zypper install ffmpeg-2.6.3-13.1.x86_64' to install this candidate.
There is an update candidate for 'ffmpeg', but it comes from a repository with a lower priority. Use 'zypper install ffmpeg-2.6.3-13.1.x86_64' to install this candidate.
Resolving package dependencies...
so if i want to INSTALL from a different repo
( yes the PRIORITIES!!! ARE SET !!!! in yast, third party repos can BE VERY!!! INCOMPATIBLE !!! with other third party repos )
you set them just like redhat's yum-priorities)

i would use
su -
zypper install ffmpeg-2.6.3-13.1.x86_64
SUSE is SO!!! and i MEAN SO!!!!!!! GUI centric that for MOST things using the GUI is a lot EASIER than the terminal

Last edited by John VV; 06-12-2015 at 07:27 PM.


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