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Old 04-06-2003, 12:48 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
Posts: 1

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Had RH9 installed with Grub, after Mandrake 9 install, lilo took over


I have 2 hd's one 1st one is win2kADV and other one has 3 partitions on first one is RH9
I got tierd of lilo so I installed grub as a boot manager when I was installing RH9, and I've liked it,
so I wanted to install Mandrake 9 which I did
thinking I'm gonna get selection to install grub, lilo or
don't install boot manager, but no I only got to select between install on 1st MBR or current HD (I'm sorry but I don't know remember exact words) so I've choosed install on 1st MBR I think that caused problem, now when I start my com lilo shows up
and there's no RH9 to select,
I've tired going to rescue using 1st cd-rom from Mandrake and tried to restore windows boot manager and it gives me to select which hd to restore and its something like this:
1. Lilo hda
2 Lilo hdb
I've selected 1 but lilo still comes up at boot,
I don't know how to go back to grub and to add Mandrake,
hope you guys understood what I've wrote here
Old 04-06-2003, 12:59 AM   #2
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A silly solution would be:

Pop in your RH cd, at the boot promt write linux rescue.
Answer the prompts as they appear, let the boot scripts look for your installation of RH, when in the console type chroot /mnt/sysimage.
Go to your /boot directory (cd /boot not cd /mnt/sysimage/boot).
Run grub-install mbr or /dev/hda.
Edit your /etc/grub.conf or /boot/grub/grub.conf file to add your Mandrake installation. That's it. Reboot, and grub should appear.

To add your Mandrake install:

Add a title to the file.
Add the kernel image to boot (Mandrake kernel) and where it says (as in the RH install) your root directory (/) type the partition where Mandrake root is (eg. /dev/hdb3 or whatever it is), you can add your kernel parameters here (eg. hdc=ide-scsi for a cdwriter). Take guidance of your current included RH option et voilą you will have GRUB with your Mandrake option.


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