used to have grub-*menu*-mode driven multi-boot (rh linux/windows)
then while in windows, used partitionmagic (PM)...(don't believe i made any changes though)
now grub boots in cmd-mode and i have to type everything in
ie: (for win)
>chainloader +1
and now...for appears the partitions have been reassigned by PM?
ie: (for linux)
>root (hd0,8) -> now have to type root(hd0,5)
>kernal ...
>initrd ...
i think my swap partiiton is different too...i saw it failed while booting linux
q1- how do i get grub back to menu-mode and read grub
menu config (i guess:menu.lst?)
q2-what about my other linux partitions? swap, etc.
(i am a gentle
much appreciated.