Grub 2 / os-prober detection issues with multiple OS-installs
I am having an issue with Grub2 ver. 2.02 and OS-prober and I am not sure if it is due to some error ive made or just incompatabilities that will require a hard coding of each install.
I have 4 hard drives with 4 OS installs + 1 diagnostic program
Hard Drive 1 /dev/sda has a windows xp install with mbr partition tables
Hard Drive 2 /dev/sdc has a current arch linux install with dm-crypt luks full disk encryption with mbr partition tables
Hard Drive 3 /dev/sdd has a semi configured current gentoo install with a dm-crypt luks full disk encryption gpt partition tables
Hard Drive 4 /dev/sde has a fully functioning current gentoo install gpt partition tables
Hard Drive 2 also has memtester+
Grub is installed on hard drive 2, 3, and 4.
All three grub installs detect windows xp and can boot to it
Hard drive 2 detects the gentoo install on hard drive 4 and memtester
Hard drive 4 only detects itself
Hard drive 3 detects itself and hard drive 4
The systems bios default boot hard drive points to hard drive 2
If manually a hard drive is selected for booting from bios all hard drives boot to grub / the nt bootloader
Hard drive 2 will boot arch, the unencrypted gentoo, xp, and memtester or chainload to hard drive 4's grub bootloader
Hard drive 3 will boot xp and the unencrpyted gentoo, however it does not have a functioning initramfs to unlock luks
Hard drive 4 will boot the unencrypted gentoo and windows xp
I used my arch install as a template to configure the config files for both gentoo installs and I have checked multiple times for errors and will post the config files if requested.
I am not sure where I should head next and could really use some suggestions