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Old 03-11-2004, 09:57 AM   #1
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: USA
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 169

Rep: Reputation: 30
Grip not working (Doesn't load)

In the process of getting my CD-RW to play my music CD's I seem to somehow have made Grip stop working. (For the story of my getting the CD-RW to work see this thread: )

My problem is that if I load up grip from the "start menu" nothing happens anymore. The hard drive thinks for a bit but then nothing. However, Gnome CD Player will load up and play my music CD just fine.

I'm not even getting an error message with Grip, so I'm quite stumped as how to fix the problem. If there is some particular place I should look for an error message, someone will have to tell me where to look.

Here is what I think might have caused the problem: when previously trying to get my CD-RW to play music in Grip I kept changing the location Grip was looking for the device. If when I last left Grip I had it looking for a CD device where none existed, would that cause it to no longer load up? And if so, how do I get Grip to come back?

Thanks for any help.
Old 03-11-2004, 10:24 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Run grip from a terminal and it should display the error message or give you some insight in why its failing, where its failing, etc.
Old 03-11-2004, 03:44 PM   #3
Registered: Jun 2003
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Did as you instructed

Okay. Did as you said. It burped a one liner at me:

Error: Unable to initialize [/dev/cdrom2]

This basically says what I expected. When I left Grip last I had been wildly trying to get my CD-RW drive to work and so was trying all sorts of devs. The last device I left it on was cdrom2 . . . which doesn't exist. As best I understand I have cdrom1 and cdrom0.

So how do I get into Grip and tell it to stop looking for the dang device that isn't there? I feel like I've locked myself out of the house without any keys.
Old 03-20-2004, 11:10 AM   #4
Registered: Jun 2003
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Found the answer to my own problem on the Grip mailing list. I am posting it here to help any other poor souls who manage to mangle grip just like I did.

If you accidentally put in the wrong device for Grip and then exit the program will no longer load. If you try to run it from the command line you will get an error like I posted above. The fix is simple. You simply need to edit the .grip file in your home directory. At the command line you can type: gedit ~/.grip (or use whatever editor you prefer if not gedit) Once in the editor change the cd device line to the proper device.

In my case this was changing it from /dev/cdrom2 to /dev/cdrom1

It was that simple. Saved the change, and Grip loaded again.

Thanks to the Grip mailing list for this peice of insight.


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