I have started using 'screen' on my RH8.0 server to manage multiple screens, but when I run it, all of the customizations that are part of my bash session are lost (alias settings, for example).
The reason I think is that when RedHat boots, a lot of the user preferences are created programmatically, rather than pulled from a file in $HOME. For example, the following alias (which I find quite useful) is not to be found in any home directory file that I can see:
alias ll='ls -l --color=tty'
Meanwhile, when I run screen (with "shell -$SHELL" in /etc/screenrc) the new bash shell is created (I assume) solely from the info from my $HOME files, rather than inheriting them from the shell that spawned it. I may be wrong about this, but it is the only thing I can think of that could be causing this problem.
Is there anything I can do to get my screen's shell and default shell synchronized without copying by hand my settings?
Osaka, Japan