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--no-cpp-precomp :..is not reckognized by non-Apple gcc build.?
Isn't a gcc option, and why use it ? (Used in Apple before 2003?)
How to make cross tools .. you can of course install to
/usr/local/cross or whatever, but not --prefix=/usr/local,
EDIT.. which is what you get by default, when not specified.
A more used location is probably /home/'user'/crosstools.
So 'binutils' must be installed where noting but "avr-gcc"
can find it. ( And gcc is not at all allowed to see the
system binutils, when building avr-gcc, use an absolute
path to "avr-binutils" = 'export PATH ....' )
... I don't see anything in your method, that will work,
... may be you are not giving all information ?
Miscellaneous cross build methods :
http://www.gnuarm.org/ .. look for the word "here" (link)
http://www.kegel.com/crosstool/ (recommended)
Another way : learn to build a system, "Linux From Scratch"
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/6.4/ .. or 6.3
and move on to "Cross Linux From Scratch" (CLFS)
Good luck.