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Old 11-23-2008, 05:24 PM   #1
Registered: Aug 2008
Location: Santa Clara, CA
Distribution: Ubuntu, mainly. Too much stuff works out of the box O.o
Posts: 71

Rep: Reputation: 52
GNOME Unlock Freezing - Help


I've been having trouble with GNOME's unlock window - it's happened on more than one operating system so I know it's not that.

The problem happens sometimes (and a vast minority of the time) when I go to unlock the computer after pressing the "lock screen" button - this is not a laptop, so sleep/power/lid has nothing to do with it.

So after I go to unlock it, I type my password, and then it just sits saying "Checking..." and then it just hangs. Sometimes it fixes if I go into the F1 shell and log in and mess around for a bit and go back to the F7 shell I have a new "unlock" window - which usually then works. Other times, it just stays frozen and I have to restart the X server.

Like I said, I've had this problem on multiple OS's, such as Fedora, Mandriva, and Ubuntu. Can anybody tell me why this glitch is happening, if there's a patch for it, etc.?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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